There were so many fun things happening for the girls this summer. Parks and playgrounds abound, but sometimes hanging around at home can be just as entertaining.
New tradition - the slurp'n'stroll. A favorite outing on hot summer evenings, just a few blocks from the house. Is it a bad thing that Nora's very limited vocabulary includes 'Slurpee?'

Addie and friend Cora check out a peacock at a nearby farm. Addie made peacock sounds for the next two days.

Flowers from the yard.

Who knew simple things like scarves and mirrors could keep toddlers busy for so long?

After a picnic at the playground near our house.
After much wiggling, she finally fell asleep. And she slept hard.
Of course, Target can be a fun outing.
What you can't see in the picture below is the piece of pizza in Addie's left hand. Pizza, bathing suits, coloring all at the same time - now that's a playdate.

Oh my.

Clemyjontri - the biggest, baddest, hottest playground in the area.

Addie's steed at Clemyjontri is named 'Pony Boy.' She picks him every time.

Mom's sunglasses. Big is the trend.