Friday, October 3, 2008

MORE fish

Yesterday Lob spent almost 2 hours (Addie's nap) cleaning the fish tank/changing the water/cleaning out the gravel. A little neglect leads to a lot of work later. Part of the problem is that now, the cleaning we did for our 8 fish won't support a tank of 40 or so!That's right - you might remember this post from August: Baby Fish!
Well, a few days ago we discovered another brood of baby fish! This time we left them to their own devices pretty much, but they've had a pretty surprising survival rate. What are we going to do with all these fish? Should we separate the culprits who are creating them? Could it really be something in the water?

Here you can see the parents on the right, a few older siblings on the left, and one of the youngest fish on the lower right.

A few baby fish are hiding among the marbles.
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