Sunday, September 27, 2009

The Farm

Aaron's colleague owns a farm about 2 hours from DC. He invited a few families from work to spend a Saturday night there. We really had a great time visiting with friends and taking in the scenery. Though Saturday was rainy, Sunday morning was nice and allowed for breakfast on the porch, football in the yard, and a walk of the property. We ate home-smoked bbq, oatmeal pancakes, and monkey bread, and played Cranium -- it was old-fashioned fun! We were a few hours from the city for one night, but it felt like a real vacation!

Kids' table.

Addie's new friend Preston shared his cereal.

Looking for the horses.

Where'd everybody go?

Not a bad breakfast spot for the brothers.

Addie's pretend world.

Trying to entice the horses with some apples.


Boots are worthless in 18+ inches of water. Note the wet shorts, too.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Addie is in two "classes" on Wednesdays. That's a packed morning for a 3 year old. This picture was taken at 1PM.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Jackson family visit

Sarah's sister and her family visited for a few days. Azrael (3), Aria (10 months) and Addie and Nora had a lot of fun together.

Cute cousins

We took the metro to the zoo - on the way home Azrael had the whole car laughing.

Explorer Azrael tracks the Kamodo dragon with his "nocalers."

Fascinated by the elephant

Azrael's birthday at Elevation Burger, where the clientele sang to him -
he didn't know what to do!

Something sweet at Dairy Godmother. Aaron and Andy were away so Steph and Sarah hauled the kids around for a few days. One parent for 2 kids is hard. One would think two adults for 4 kids would be easier, synergy and all that. Wrong.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Addie's crafts

Addie's pretty serious with her crafts and will paint, color, etc, for hours.
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Friday, September 4, 2009

It's official - Nora's mobile

Nora can sit up and crawl and has even pulled up on occasion. On Sept 2 she turned 8 months old - hard to believe!

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