Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Nora can climb

Silence is not a good sign when kids are involved. I remeber sounds of Nora playing with toys. A minute later, I didn't hear anything. I peeked around the corner from the kitchen to see this:

Yes, that is the dining table. Yes, that is salt.

I relayed the event to Aaron who asked, "gracious, what did you do?"

I answered, "I took a picture, of course."

We now keep the dining chairs pushed in all the way, all the time.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sister Fun - June and July

There were so many fun things happening for the girls this summer. Parks and playgrounds abound, but sometimes hanging around at home can be just as entertaining.

New tradition - the slurp'n'stroll. A favorite outing on hot summer evenings, just a few blocks from the house. Is it a bad thing that Nora's very limited vocabulary includes 'Slurpee?'
Addie and friend Cora check out a peacock at a nearby farm. Addie made peacock sounds for the next two days.
Flowers from the yard.
Who knew simple things like scarves and mirrors could keep toddlers busy for so long?

After a picnic at the playground near our house.
After much wiggling, she finally fell asleep. And she slept hard.
Of course, Target can be a fun outing.
What you can't see in the picture below is the piece of pizza in Addie's left hand. Pizza, bathing suits, coloring all at the same time - now that's a playdate.

Oh my.

Clemyjontri - the biggest, baddest, hottest playground in the area.
Addie's steed at Clemyjontri is named 'Pony Boy.' She picks him every time.
Mom's sunglasses. Big is the trend.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Rachel's Birthday

Sarah - with much help from Aaron watching the girls - was able to spend the day in Durham helping pull off a pretty serious set of surprise parties (that's right - plural) for Rachel's birthday. Precious Rachel! It was so special to be able to support our friend.

First was lunch at the Weathervane in Chapel Hill with a few friends - some of whom Rachel hadn't seen in a really long time.
Then an unsuspecting Rachel was surprised at her own house after lunch by even more friends for a dessert reception. Those that couldn't make it sent notes and photos. Everything was organized by super-husband Doug.

We love these guys! Happy birthday, friend!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Mount Vernon with the Valentines

Sarah's sister's in-laws live near Baltimore. Which means they live near us. Which means we jump on opportunities to see Bekah, Mark, and their 3 any time they're visiting MD. On this particular day, we all met at the home of George Washington - Mount Vernon.

Sarah loves Mt Vernon and was glad for the opportunity to see family and dabble in early American history. Concerns about how interested Addie would be quickly subsided when the girl cousins started chirping about how excited they were to be there. They're big fans of a movie about the Revolution called 'Liberty's Kids.'Their enthusiasm was only powerful enough to interest just Addie, however. Nora remained pretty unimpressed. But the weather was beautiful and there was lots to explore.

Three blue-eyeds waiting a turn to see inside the mansion.

Michaela studies Martha Washington's ensemble.

Kit Valentine helps Addie and Michaela peek in on one of the outbuildings.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Boone-bound for the G's birthday

The whole Lawrence family congregated to celebrate the 90th birthdays of both Grandma and Granddad. That allowed for some rare chances for the three sisters and their families to get together, too.

(Almost) all the Jack Jr. grandkids.

Gammie and some grandgirls. Front porch swing - bonding place of choice.

Nora and Aria say 'back off!'

Grandma is so great! Happy 90th! Hard to believe. When asked how old she is, Grandma has always replied "old enough to be your Grandma!" Well, Grandma, the cat's out of the bag.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Kid tracks

We try our hardest to not let crumbs, spills, and grime overtake the house. And obviously with two little ones it's a constant battle. Kids are in the house, though, so there is evidence of them. Take for example these cream cheese handprints, courtesy of Nora.

Don't worry, she was under supervision - this is the only damage.
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Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Katherine's first birthday!

We were able to celebrate with John and Ashley for cutie Katherine's first birthday party. It has been such a treat living close by our college friends. We've seen their girl grow into a happy little toddler who always seems content. She had a pretty impressive frozen custard cake and got some water toy gifts. She's so sweet!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

A Sperryville Fourth

The Benners hosted us at their farm for an all-American, small-town Fourth celebration. Mountain views, campaigning politicians, local BBQ, an antique tractor show, and - of course - fireworks. (Nora called them bubbles and refused that I cover her ears.)
Don't miss the post of Addie and the youngest Benner dancing!

A Sperryville Fourth (Dance Remix)

Friday, July 2, 2010

First Daddy-Daughter Backyard Camping

Addie was beside herself all weekend as we picked out a tent and little supplies and got things set up.

Addie might have had more fun zipping and unzipping the tent for hours preceding the event, than actually sleeping in the tent.

Nora will be able to participate in a year or two. But she enjoyed all of the pre-camping events like setting up the tent and then going in the tent to zip it closed, dancing, saying 'hi' through the screens, then going back out.

And she of course helped with the smores. What's camping without smores - even if they are made and eaten in the house?

Addie loved camping and turned her little lantern on and off many, many times before finally going to sleep. Aaron and Addie both woke up with the sun and came right inside to watch cartoons while Sarah and Nora slept in their beds like sane people.