Thursday, November 11, 2010

Grammy and Granddad come for a visit

We did our favorite things:
Sit around together and visit and eat. In particular it was Granddad's birthday, so we shared pumpkin pie. He's more of a 'birthday steak' than a 'birthday cake' kind of guy.

On Saturday we headed back to Eastern Market for some walking, shopping, and general getting out. But this time, we didn't go home empty-handed. In addition to a few Christmas gifts, look who came home with us!Our purple friend was still there - this time we couldn't leave him. Addie named him Charlie. Granddad carried him to the car and got some funny reactions on the way. He was followed by Grammy who carried a 6ft bundle of decorative plant called Bittersweet. In addition to our red double-decker stroller, we were quite a parade.
Grammy and Sarah got out to a movie which has become a fun tradition for them, and the boys went to our favorite grocery store (their favorite kind of adventure).
Grammy and Granddad could only stay for the weekend, but it was a full one. We can't wait to host them again!

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